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Science of broken heart


Remember the time when things ended in your long term relationship or you and your friend drifted away. I know everyone wants to forget those times but I want to talk about those times but let's look at it from a scientific point of view. .
Emotional pain is very similar to physical pain. Research has shown that when you get an injury or some sort of physical pain your Anterior Cingulate Cortex gets stimulated. Now this part of the brain plays a role in emotions, empathy and decision making. So when a person is going through emotional pain the activity in the anterior cingulate cortex is similar to when a person is hurt physically. Amazing isn't it ??? 🤯. .
In one study primates were separated from their loved ones, and this separation resulted in an increase in cortisol levels and a decrease in norepinephrine levels. Resulting in anxiety and depression. Similar findings were made in humans when they suffered emotional pain, the brain perceived it as physical pain. .
This is also an evolutionary development. Humans evolved to be in a community, to have support from loved ones so they could survive. In general humans would prefer physical pain over emotional pain which makes sense as physical pain can be healed by applying medication. So how can we heal emotional pain ??.
Studies have found that people with an increased level of social support have a decreased amount of emotional pain. So if you know somebody who is hurting give them a hug or be their emotional support. The bigger the support system the easier and quicker the healing begins. .
So the remedy of a broken heart is a nice, long, warm hug to take the pain away 😊💕❤️.

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