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Adolescence syndrome Real or fake !!


Adolescence Syndrome, also known as Puberty Syndrome (思春期症候群, Shishunki shōkōgun) is a term used to describe abnormal experiences during adolescence as a result of sensitivity and instability. Although considered an urban legend, this occurrence is experienced by each of the main characters.

Adolescence books


Those who have Adolescence Syndrome are susceptible to various events or experiences that would be considered abnormal and irregular. These effects happen whenever the individual goes through a distressing or agonizing event,

Anime theory 

the show named bunny girl senpai expressed adolescence syndrome is a phenomenon in which abnormal experiences would occur due to the sensitivity and instability of youth. Considered an urban legend, each of the characters of the show experience it to varying extents. The cause of these events are generally in response to a harrowing or distressing event in the individual’s life. Mai Sakurajima experienced it when she wished that she could become invisible and be forgotten by everyone due to her excessive fame. The direct cause was her being forced to do a swimsuit photoshoot by her mother, and Mai’s adolescence syndrome would ultimately lead her to be forgotten by her own mother


We can conclude that adolescence syndrome is Real in teenage but in our real world we called it as " depression " or " teenage peer pressure " . 

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