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Is banana really radioactive or its just a myth ?

Is banana really radioactive or its just a myth ?

Yes it’s true, they are radioactive! I’m not lying to get your attention!

But there is no need for panic, you won’t die from eating one after your workout or after having a banana smoothie. Let me explain

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A little fella called Potassium.

Bananas naturally contain Potassium, and some of this Potassium is radioactive.

The radioactive Potassium houses one extra neutron in the nucleus compared to the stable one. The overpopulation of neutrons causes the nucleus to decay and emit radiation.

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How many bananas can I eat a day?

Acute radiation poisoning usually occurs if you are exposed to 1 Sievert of radiation. This is a whole lot of radiation and the only time in history that civilians have been exposed to these amounts have been in atomic bombings and nuclear accidents, such as Chernobyl, Nagasaki and Hiroshima.

So it’s not like this is a common thing and obviously you have already figured out that no one has ever died from eating bananas (unless you choke on one or slip on a banana peel).

In order to receive a deadly amount of radiation you’d have to eat 10 million bananas at once. Even if you were a magician I think you’d have a difficult time of doing so. You won’t even eat 10 million bananas in a life time, unless you eat a banana every minute of your life. Don’t accept this as a challenge, please…

Banana Equivalent Dose

There is a fun quantity some people like to use when talking about radiation doses. It’s called banana equivalent dose, BED for short.

What it does is it simply converts any radiation exposure to number of bananas.

Usually we say one banana gives 0.1 micro Sievert, so a dental X-ray would be as eating 100 bananas. A mammography would be equal to eating 1000 bananas, which is a bit more. But it’s still way less than 10 million.

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